Interior design is constantly evolving – some styles fade out as new ones become popular – with most trends becoming outdated within 5 years. This is why it can be dangerous getting too trendy with major design choices within your house, such as tile patterns and cabinet finishes. Unless the trend is truly something you love, we don’t recommend making more permanent design choices based on niche trends that may become outdated soon. Not only are more permanent designs like we just listed more difficult to change, but they can also be quite pricey. Your overall house value may also be negatively affected if you are planning to sell within the next 10 years and aren’t looking to upgrade major outdated home trends.

Nonetheless, you may already be living with some outdated designs right now! Whether they came with the house when you bought it, or you’ve had a change of heart since your last remodel, we’re here to help! But first, let’s take a look at the top home interior design styles that have gone out of style in the last 10 years:


This once trendy and modern style has now been replaced by a much more “lived-in” look. Minimalist designs often feature cold, clinical settings without much personality or warmth and can be too restrictive for many people’s tastes. Luckily for you, having an overly simplified house can easily be transformed by adding art, warm colors, and unique decor! A space can also be more personalized with framed family photos!

Tuscan-Inspired Decor

The Tuscan-inspired decor was huge during the early 2000s but has since declined in popularity as more people opt for more contemporary looks. This style often featured an overabundance of earth tones and patterns which could be overwhelming for some rooms. What’s a relatively quick fix for this? Paint! Changing walls from an earthy tan color to a bright cream or off-white will make your house feel more open and even appear bigger than it did before!

Shabby Chic

The shabby chic trend was hugely popular amongst homeowners throughout the 90s and 00s but has since fallen out of fashion due to its lack of sophistication. Shabby chic usually features flea market finds and vintage pieces, creating a cluttered and disorganized look that can be difficult to maintain over time. Our solution for this is to minimize the clutter! If you still love the shabby chic look but want to feel more updated, we recommend you filter through the pieces that you have and cut down on the number of knick-knacks and frills that you may have. Cleaner spaces bring more focus to the special pieces that you truly love.

Mismatched Furniture

A few years ago it became fashionable to mix different styles of furniture within a single room – this created an eclectic atmosphere but didn’t necessarily create a unified or aesthetically pleasing look. This trend is now somewhat outdated as homeowners favor cohesiveness in their decorating schemes instead. Our suggestion is to pick the style of furniture that you love the most out of your collection and find other pieces that match it. Having a unique sitting chair is different than having 3 different mismatched pieces in one room.

Faux Farmhouse

The faux farmhouse look was big in the last decade but is slowly fading out of favor. This style often features distressed wood, shiplap country-inspired accents, and a lot of earthy colors. If you’re no longer feeling this look, our advice is to add some modern pieces such as textured pillows or colorful art prints that contrast well with the rustic vibes. This will help your home to look more up-to-date and modern!

Now that we’ve covered some of the big outdated interior design trends, what can be done about them? Well, if you’re looking for a big overhaul project, we suggest you first decide on what more timeless, updated trends you like the best. Things like wall color and accent rugs can have a huge impact on a room and can be easily changed in the future. For more permanent decisions, we recommend simple, clean-looking choices – whites, neutrals, etc. Taking a more timeless approach to large projects will likely save you money in the long run.

If this is the path that you choose to take, hiring a demolition contractor will save you a huge headache and make the remodeling process much easier. If you need to clear out actual furniture, rugs, and decor items, we recommend you find a junk removal company that can come and haul away the outdated items in one trip! With these solutions, you’ll be able to transform your home into the space of your dreams. Happy upgrading!

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